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Ni Agitator

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The agitator is a three (3) vane side-entry agitator specially designed for paper stock, 
It is applicable to all chests in stock preparation such as cylindrical or rectangular and all kind of the chest, storage tanks, towers etc.

The Agitators play a critical role in the stock preparation process for mixing the pulp and give the uniform quality of pulp

Agitator shaft made of steel supported by heavy duty bearing housing


Uniform and efficient dilution
Compact design
Highly effective
Motor mounting system
Maintaining homogeneity and uniform quality of pulp

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Agitator (Cr Series), Centri Cleaner, Core Pipe Shaft, Cylinder Mould, D Type Hydra Pulper, Dilution Pulper, Dryer Cylinder, G Decker Thickner, Heater Mixer, Hi Consistency Pulper, High Density Cleaner, Hill Screen, Lye Mixer, Medium Consistency Screen, Medium Density Cleaner, Ni Agitator, Perforated Screen, Polymer Dissolving Tank, Products, Ragger, Rotors, Sand Filter Tank, Single Disk Refiner, Straw Cutter, Triangular Broke Pulper, Trommel Screen, Turbo Separator, Twin Drum Press, Vaccum Box, Vibrating Screen, Washing Drum, Wet Washing System